
Generative Listening

Generative Listening for deeper, more engaging connections with the heart rather than the head.

The other day...

An old friend - a new proposal

I recently had an unexpected encounter with an old friend and neighbour while shopping at the local supermarket. Coincidentally, he works for a large tech company and follows my social media, where he praised my morning ritual swim videos. As we caught up, our conversation naturally drifted towards my coaching business. He extended an intriguing offer, suggesting that I could be a guest at his company. 

According to him, senior management is eager to explore fresh ideas and find inspirational individuals to motivate their teams, especially in the post-lockdown era, where employees are seeking more fulfillment and meaning in their lives. 

Are you one of those individuals seeking deeper fulfillment in your work life?

Ineffective Methods

We shared a mutual understanding that traditional corporate methods of motivating and retaining staff are losing their effectiveness. The disconnection between employees and their companies, including corporate values and mission statements, has become evident. There’s a pressing need for a new kind of leadership that aligns with the global shift towards spirituality, meaningfulness, and self-awareness.

The solution lies in cultivating a new wave of leadership that focuses on genuine connection. Leaders must begin by connecting with themselves at a profound level and then extend that connection to their employees and teams. This process requires an advanced skill called “Generative Listening”, where the listener is completely present and free from preconceived notions – truly sensing what the other person is expressing.

Generative Listening - Authentic Leadership

To achieve this level of presencing, leaders must embark on an inward journey to discover their authentic selves and find their true essence. It’s time to shed the protective barriers that have long been in place and embrace authenticity. When leaders show up as their true selves, authenticity will resonate throughout the team, leading to increased energy, creativity, trust, and abundance.

“…leaders must embark on an inward journey…”

The first step in creating a safe space for open communication is being open and genuine with one’s team. When leaders listen with their hearts rather than their heads, true connection and potentiality arise. This transformation leads to a mutual understanding between leaders and employees, enhancing communication beyond mere words and into the realm of deep emotional connection.

Generative Listening and You

If you’re a leader feeling disconnected from your team or an employee yearning for a more fulfilling work environment, consider embarking on an inward-bound journey

This voyage will not only benefit you but also contribute to a more harmonious and prosperous work environment.

If anything I’ve said resonates with you, feel free to direct message me. There is a beautiful light at the end of this tunnel, and together, we can illuminate the path towards a more meaningful and connected workplace.

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